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Have something to sell? Looking for a new home, or a rental property in Prabhupada Village? Here's the place to find or advertise it.
The Barnashram Apartments For Rent.
Large kitchen & bath all new appliances included, large family room. Total of approximately 1,200 square feet of heated living area. Recently remodeled with ceramic tile and all new bathroom & Kitchen cabinets.
Additional space available for office or family business, etc. Ideal for a family that likes to have a garden, and/or take care of horses, cows, etc. Plenty of garden space and improved pasture land available. If you would like to live in a rural community, and are inclined to work towards agricultural self-sufficiency, this is the place you're looking for. At just $950/monthly, this is a great way to move to a rural area. We also have another apartment available that is a little smaller. We are interested in devotees who want to be team-players, and inclined to doing some regular service in the: community temple, gurukula day school, and/or agriculture (gardening, landscaping, and working with the cows). Sandy Ridge is about 1 hour northwest of Greensboro, North Carolina. High speed Fiber optic internet access included.

Ceramic tile surrounds the bathroom and shower

2,100 plus square foot greenhouse and improved pasture land with water system is available if you are interested in gardening and/or cows.
The Barnashram is an 11 minute walk to Sri Sri Gaur Nitai's temple w/daily morning program; Sunday Love Feasts, and festivals on all principle Vaishnava Holidays. Prabhupada Village is the home of a few devotee families; Festival Of India and The Bhaktivedanta Archives. Some of the devotees here have gardens and are growing a substantial part of their family’s bhoga. Preaching opportunities are numerous, UNCG and a few other major Universities are within a 1 hour drive. Excellent climate. Hare Krishna!
For information on these rentals, or land available in Prabhupada Village; Sandy Ridge, NC
please contact Madhuha dasa telephone - 336-558-7340 or email: madhuhadasa@gmail.com